Attila the Hun

Normans in Sicily EP 2: Roger II

Roger II inherits his father’s position as ruler of Sicily and begins to take over parts of Southern Italy as well.  Along the way a daring plan leads Norman knights out of a desperate situation, and a Crusader king proposes marriage.  Norman state-building in Sicily takes on a unique character, and Norman knights fight armies…

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Norman Sicily EP 1: When the Vikings Invaded Italy

The Vikings terrorised coastal Europe in their longboats, plundering and killing as they went.  Some of them were offered a deal: they could accept land and settle in France, in exchange for defending the area from other raiders.  These Vikings became known as Normans, and while the name changed, the game remained the same.  They…

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Attila the Hun- Episode 4: Blood on the Plains

In this final episode of our series, Attila takes a massive army and storms through western Europe to the gates of Orleans, in France.  The epic Battle of the Catalaunian Plains unfolds over two days, as old allies become enemies.  A shocking twist leads to an ending no one expected.

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Attila the Hun- Episode 3: Attila and the Princess

In this episode we learn about Hunnish women and marriage practices.  A sex scandal breaks out in the Western Imperial Court, leading to pregnancy and execution.  A Roman princess makes a shocking proposal to Attila that threatens to destabilize the Roman Empire.

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Attila the Hun- Episode 2: The Emperor and the Barbarian

In this episode we see an imperial princess kidnapped, and an attempt to steal the Western Imperial throne goes wrong.  The Huns become famous for extortion and impalement.  An assassination plot backfires horribly.

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Attila the Hun- Death from the Steppe

Attila the Hun still looms in our memory, though less and less is remembered about the man himself and the fierce people he led.  This episode introduces the Huns of history, paints the world they inhabited, and sets the stage for the emergence of Attila.  From unique battle tactics to cranial deformation, this is an…

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