
Normans in Sicily EP 2: Roger II

Roger II inherits his father’s position as ruler of Sicily and begins to take over parts of Southern Italy as well.  Along the way a daring plan leads Norman knights out of a desperate situation, and a Crusader king proposes marriage.  Norman state-building in Sicily takes on a unique character, and Norman knights fight armies…

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Norman Sicily EP 1: When the Vikings Invaded Italy

The Vikings terrorised coastal Europe in their longboats, plundering and killing as they went.  Some of them were offered a deal: they could accept land and settle in France, in exchange for defending the area from other raiders.  These Vikings became known as Normans, and while the name changed, the game remained the same.  They…

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The Peasant’ War Part 2: Bloodbath

The Peasants’ War was the largest peasant uprising prior to the French Revolution.  Hundreds of thousands of ordinary people organise a labour strike and dare to demand a measure of fairness.  They use the ideas of Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation to do it.  Luther wants nothing to do with the rebels, and supports…

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The Peasants’ War Part 1: Before the Bloodbath

This is the story of the biggest peasant uprising prior to the French Revolution. Inspired by the writing of Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation, it was a shocking challenge to the social order. Serfs occupied castles, executed nobles, and plundered monasteries.  Events that lasted less than a year would result in thousands of peasant…

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The Reformation Episode 5: Wars of Religion

The Wars of Religion are the bloody outcome of the religious fracturing of Europe.  They reshaped political identity and redefined the balance of power among countries.  But what actually happened and why does it matter?  This episode is a wild ride through three different countries, as scheming French cardinals send funds to Protestant rebels abroad,…

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The Reformation: EP 4- England Kills a King

In this episode we watch England execute a king.  This is the strange tale of how England became a Protestant country, and why the Church of England is the way it is.  Along the way we watch militant Scottish Reformers challenge the power of the monarch, and uncover the roots of the Covenanters and Presbyterian…

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The Reformation Episode 3: John Calvin and Theocracy

John Calvin is one of the major figures of the Protestant Reformation, famous for his doctrine of pre-destination. This episode covers his time in Geneva, and how he turned that city into a grim and terrifying experiment in theocracy. It is also the story of Protestants burning a heretic at the stake, in a bizarre…

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The Reformation Episode 1: John Wycliffe and the Middle Ages

What is the Protestant Reformation and why does it matter?  To begin to understand how thoroughly it has shaped Western Europe and North America we must travel back in time to see the world as it was before the Reformation.  This episode is all about the Middle Ages, when an emperor braved the Alps in…

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Ferdinand and Isabella: EP 5- Christopher Columbus and 1492

1492 was a year that changed everything.  In Castile, it was the end of the Reconquista, as Isabella and Ferdinand ended a decade long war with a triumphant ride through the streets of Granada.  It was also the year they signed the Alhambra Decree, which banished all Jews from Castile, and it was the beginning…

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Ferdinand and Isabella: EP4- The Spanish Inquisition

You have probably heard of the Spanish Inquisition, even if only from a certain Monty Python sketch.  The truth about why it was started and for what purpose will probably surprise you.  In this episode we take a close look at the episodes in Spanish history that prepared the way for the Inquisition.  We also…

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